About Ruth Deutsch
Dr. Ruth Deutsch
BA(Hons), DipRSA SpLD, MPsych, PhD, AFBPsS, HCPC Registered
Dr. Ruth Deutsch is a Chartered Educational and Child Psychologist who combines hands-on clinical and educational practice with international lecturing and teaching activities including doctoral educational psychology courses. Ruth trained and worked with Professors Feuerstein, Haywood, Lidz and Tzuriel and is a senior trainer in cognitive developmental programmes including Dynamic Assessment, Instrumental Enrichment, and Bright Start. She is the author of the Cognitive Abilities Profile (CAP) www.dynamicassessment.co.uk.

Dr. Ruth Deutsch is a Chartered Educational and Child Psychologist who combines hands-on clinical and educational practice with international lecturing and teaching activities including doctoral educational psychology courses. Ruth trained and worked with Professors Feuerstein, Haywood, Lidz and Tzuriel and is a senior trainer in cognitive developmental programmes including Dynamic Assessment, Instrumental Enrichment, and Bright Start. She is the author of the Cognitive Abilities Profile (CAP): www.dynamicassessment.co.uk

Course development background
Over years of teaching cognitive education to groups and individuals in university, school, and social care settings, Ruth realised there was a need to deliver flexible training approaches that could accommodate the demanding schedules of professionals and family members. The challenges of a global pandemic emphasised the importance of alternatives to in-classroom teaching. Today, Ruth continues to teach internationally while developing further hybrid cognitive education programmes.