Is there more than one way of doing Bright Start training?
Bright Start Modular Training is designed to give you the opportunity to apply Bright Start teaching approaches within your own specific framework. Individualised course work and case consultations throughout training will take you from beginner to advanced Bright Start practitioner level.
Can I sign up for single training modules?
The modular Bright Start training course is designed as a whole course with each of the three modules building on the previous one. Participants are encouraged to follow the training sequentially. Other needs can be addressed on a case by case basis.
What if I miss a live online session?
All live online sessions are recorded and placed in the Bright Start course library for you to revisit. If you are unable to attend a live online session you can access it on the Bright Start Campus. For any questions or comments between sessions, you can message or share your message with others.
I already have a Bright Start manual. Is this course for me?
The training focuses on in-depth analysis of the developmental psychology, programme concepts, and customised, guided application in your setting. The manual itself is a tool. The course will provide you with additional learning tools and learning materials as well as peer and tutor support.
I work with children over pre-school age. Is Bright Start training useful?
Bright Start is typically applied between the ages of four to seven years, but children who are older can also benefit greatly from the application of the programme. Learning to deliver Bright Start will enable you to enhance child development at all ages and stages.
I have a consultative rather than a hands-on role with children. Is this course relevant?
If your role is mainly to assess and consult, Bright Start can be successfully incorporated into your professional practice.
What happens once I complete a training module?
After completion of training, whether your role is advisory or hands-on, you will be provided with ongoing support.
Is the Bright Start training programme accredited as Continuous Professional Development (CPD)?
Yes. Each module carries certification of attendance and completion of its components.
Any other questions?
Please feel free to get in touch.